Working as a tradie is physically tough and the stats from Safe Work Australia confirm that tradies, labourers, machinery operators and drivers are at a higher risk of incurring a serious injury and making a claim. They make up 50% of serious claims. Ouch!
37% of serious claims are due to body stress and 23% due to falls, trips and slips. So having protection against personal accidents and injury makes sense, but what is personal accident and illness insurance and what other benefits does it have?

What is Personal Accident and Illness Insurance?
Personal accident and illness insurance pays a weekly amount to you, if you are accidently injured or suffer a covered illness* and you can’t work for a temporary time. In the trade it can be known as Accident and Sickness insurance and further details on imar’s current policy can be found here.
(*Note not all illnesses are covered- refer to the Product Disclosure Statement for details of coverage)
What does Personal Accident and Illness insurance cover?
Imar personal accident and injury insurance covers not only the smaller injuries but more serious injuries including death, permanent total disablement, quadriplegia, paraplegia, loss to sight, loss to hearing, permanent physical severance or permanent total loss to hands, arms, legs, spouse or partner benefit in the case of death, funeral funds and modification funds in case you have to modify your house or vehicle or relocate to a suitable home.
Imar personal accident and illness insurance will pay out weekly benefits if you are accidently injured, during the period of insurance and you make a claim within 12 months of the date of injury. The wait period is 14 days from the date of accident or illness.
- Rehabilitation additional benefit means coverage for the costs incurred for participation in a return to work program.
- Chauffeur service means costs incurred for a taxi service to and from your home from your usual place of work if you are certified by a registered medical practitioner as unfit to drive.
- Guarantee Payment means if a certified registered medical practitioner states you will be not able to work for 26 weeks or more, then the Insurer will pay up to 12 weeks of benefits in advance.
It’s important to note that the IMAR Personal Accident & Illness cover is not Income Protection – Income Protection cover is only available from a life insurance provider and protects you if you’re unable to work for a specified period due to almost any illness or injury. If you’re interested, this cover is available through Gallagher Benefit Services, who can advise you on whether this insurance is right for you.
Practical Advantages of Personal Accident and Illness Insurance
There are many practical advantages of having personal accident and illness insurance, some of them include:
1. It gives you a weekly benefit when you have injured yourself at work or at home kicking the footy. It means you have money coming in, whilst you recover. As your body is one of the most important assets on the job, its best have it covered for damage, just like you would with your tools or vehicle.
2. It reduces your financial stress, by providing money while you get better. Can you afford to be off your tools for 6 months? Imar personal accident and illness cover can provide benefit payment periods up to 5 years.
3. Ability to have the ‘it will never happen to me’ attitude whilst being covered in case something does happen to you.
How can we help?
It’s simple. Either call one of the imar team on 13 46 27 (link to phone number please), by filling out our online form or going to direct and getting an online quote.
Our dedicated team of tradie experts can help you in a variety of ways with product information and benefits suitable for you and your business.
Imar has provided insurance cover for tradies, builders, and small businesses for more than 35 years. We make sure each customer has the cover they need at a competitive price. We are more than an insurance broker, we’re your mate. We give you the advice you need when you need it, answer questions you’ve got and go into bat on your behalf if you need to make a claim.
You should consider if the insurance is suitable for you and read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), Financial Services Guide (FSG) and policy wording before making a decision to acquire insurance. Please ask us for more details before we provide you with our services. Our FSG is available on our website.